This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.
This document/presentation reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

DigEco specific objectives are:
Fill the demand of Labor market (LM) in UA, TJK specialists in digital economics by Implementation of modern trends in the digital sphere of UA and TJK HEIs in accordance with EU best practices by joint PCs and EU HEIs creation of 13 innovation curricular for MA in economics inc.PIE component till Nov 2022 according to the Bolonia requirements and EU strategy of Digital Single Market. The aim of modernize study program is to train professionals who understanding how organizations can effectively use digital technologies to innovate their business processes, products, services, and business models.
To create inclusuve educational enviroment acording Education 4.0. in the field of DE-implementation of methodological and technological activities for the creation of interactive and multimedia content and the corresponding digital platform for development of multimedia content for inclusive education. Digitalization of courses and the creation of a virtual platform will give students the freedom to move and in case of unforeseen situations(military actions, disasters)have the opportunity to complete courses and pass modules. Also,this platform contributes to the inclusiveness of education. People with disabilities will be able to gain knowledge and skills without discrimination. ViDEL Labs are equipped with regard to inclusiveness and the needs of people with disabilities, which makes it possible to solve the problem of equality in education and self-realization.
Launch innovative partnership model for Stakeholders networking - Creating of basic digital services for use by citizens in the field of education, for launching partnership models of representatives of the digital industry, business and universities in UA and TJK. The PCs HEIs will develop retraining courses for enterprises, organizations and other stakeholders according their regional field's needs. Created learning environmental will be the foundation to put ahead to the next higher stage or grade of a course or series of classes as well as for virtual learning for current and perspective DigEco+ Partners, who will have an opportunity to accumulate competence for increasing their competitiveness.
The project methodology is based upon the following principles:
All levels of key players (Universities, stakeholders) are represented.
These horizontal and vertical links will ensure high quality and efficiency in carrying out the work plan.
Structurally the project has three phases:start, working out and final phases.
Agreement on joint implementation and Work Manual on instructional strategies for DigEco objectives achievement.
EU and PC HEIs jointly developed and accredit (according to the Educational Legislation of UA and TJK including Law about inclusive education) 13 new curricula and will be divided into 4 blocks according specialisations:
Block 1
1) Fintech in banking, insurance and asset management;
2) Blockchain, Innovation management and Disruptive technology;
3) Big Data Analytics in Finance.
Block 2
4) Digital Performance in Business and Economics;
5) Big data analytics and business intelligence;
6)Data Entrepreneurship in Action.
Block 3
7) Digital Marketing in Action;
8) Data Analytics for Marketing;
9) Design thinking.
Block 4
10) Digital Business Models;
11) Big Data Management;
12) Agile project management.
And one general course for all specialisations
13) Digital Literacy.
Developed in 1Y curricular adopted to PIE. A set of curricula and modules on relevant level are accredited.
Quality control to evaluate if project activities meets the quality equipments starting 1Y and will continue during 3 project years. The project incorporates the system of monitoring strategies/methods targeting at ensuring high quality of results and smooth project implementation.
Dissemination plan and strategy developed, Project pages at each HEIs website and public groups at Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Telegram and YouTube created in English, Ukrainian and Tajik, Dissemination and Exploitation Plan/ strategy is prepared by P1 and P4 and includes all project term activities: 1 project website created at P1 platform and upgrading; Kick of meeting conducted atP1. Functioning of WEB-platform DigEco of the project is to go on, and loading of the updating. WP5 Consolidated Manegment Plan developed as a part of Strategy, the Joint Coordination Council (JCC) are set up and function at all levels, coordinated by P1, 1 international conferences conducted at 1Y, 1 regional project meeting conducted in UA in6M1Y; 6 virtual meeting provided.